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Here is the team that has volunteered to coordinate our movement in Italy.
An important step towards developing our movement in Italy is the establishment of a new common national coordination team which is tasked with finalising our political program there and establishing MERA25 in Italy.
The candidates below participated in short interviews in order to ensure they are indeed well-informed and understand both the movement’s ideals, procedures, policies and political positions, as well as the requirements in terms of time and availability.
Here is the list of 10 members the Coordinating Collective proposes to form the coordination team in Italy:
Andrea Serra – male (Link to member profile)
Federico Dolce – male (Link to member profile)
Giovanni Gaggero – male (Link to member profile)
Linda Amaduzzi – female (Link to member profile)
Ludovica Purini – female (Link to member profile)
Ludovico Rella – male (Link to member profile)
Patrizia Pozzo – female (Link to member profile)
Simone Careddu – male (Link to member profile)
Veralisa Masari – female (Link to member profile)
Do you approve of this coordination team for Italy?
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MERA25 braucht deine Hilfe! Bitte spende, damit unsere Bewegung und Partei weiter wachsen kann. Wir finanzieren uns ausschließlich über Mitgliedsbeiträge und Spenden. Mit deiner Spende können wir zum Beispiel Flyer, Plakate, Fahrtkosten und Raummieten finanzieren. Danke für deine Unterstützung!