Mo'ámmer Al-Muháyir


Responsible for volunteer coordination at Translation and Subtitling Task Force

An Argentinian translator, essayist & autodidact linguist with Asperger syndrome. Never-ending student and learner. Stoical cosmopolitan. Anti-fascist communist & Muslim by choice. Survivor of the Argentinian genocide commited by dictatorship of J.R. Videla in the framework of the Condor Plan implemented by Washington in South America.

Of all this what you need to remember is about Asperger syndrome: I’m a diagnosed social disabled person. So I’m extremely frank because I have no choice, not because I enjoy to be unpolite with people. This way then may be that you take your time to understand my real intentions when I express myself and may be, God wish, just may be, that I will not be misinterpreted and excluded from yet another forum for “don’t fitting” reasons.

I’m not Arab nor oriental, let’s put aside that stereotype too please. I’m a western freethinker raised in the Marxist dialectical materialism by descendants of Italian immigrants in Argentine, my real parents, when they came out of the dungeons of the dictatorship and I finally could know them.

I believe in one united mankind which survive to Capitalism and I hope to do some good and help to MéRA25 somehow.

Big hugs of triumphants revolutions.