Engaging in policy development at DiEM25 means actively collaborating with fellow Members to realise the vision set out in our Manifesto. We aim to develop radical and realistic proposals that put Europe, and beyond, on an alternative path, be it in the economical, political, cultural, ecological, technological or other interrelated spheres.
The primary engine of policy content in DiEM25 are our Members who contribute their ideas through our participatory policy process. This begins with a questionnaire on a theme and - through multiple feedback rounds - culminates in a major policy White paper (defined in our Organising Principles).
Policy positions that are developed by our Thematic Collectives are put through our Crowd Editing process prior to finalisation by our General Policy Task Force. This allows our Members to provide direct feedback on the content in their language of choice. The responses are then synthesised and subsequently put to an All Member Vote as defined in our Organising Principles.
Please review the full list of All-Member Votes for more.
More detailed information is available in our Activist Guidelines - please do review them before getting engaged. If you have any other questions, kindly get in touch via [email protected] .
Carpe DiEM!
DiEM25 Policy Coordination
MERA25 braucht deine Hilfe! Bitte spende, damit unsere Bewegung und Partei weiter wachsen kann. Wir finanzieren uns ausschließlich über Mitgliedsbeiträge und Spenden. Mit deiner Spende können wir zum Beispiel Flyer, Plakate, Fahrtkosten und Raummieten finanzieren. Danke für deine Unterstützung!
MERA25 braucht deine Hilfe! Bitte spende, damit unsere Bewegung und Partei weiter wachsen kann. Wir finanzieren uns ausschließlich über Mitgliedsbeiträge und Spenden. Mit deiner Spende können wir zum Beispiel Flyer, Plakate, Fahrtkosten und Raummieten finanzieren. Danke für deine Unterstützung!